Gene Roddenberry

What was money worth when Star Trek first aired

A pair of shoes in the 1960's were about $3.00 which is about $7.00 today.

Fashion in the 1960's

      Our parents would of worn nice suits or dresses. The suits usually had tails and vests. HATS. Hats were very formal and there was really no reason to wear them besides that fact. Women usually did not wear pants until the late 70's but they did wear a blouse and skirt while at home. Suits and ties were standard for men usually white, tan, or beige shirts and no facial hair. After dark most adults dressed in suits and dresses. Collarless T-shirts, sleeveless shirts, and undershirts were not acceptable. The blue jeans were simple - blue. But most adults wore slacks.
       Dress style for kids were pretty simple shirts, slacks, tennis, or black or brown lace shoes. Shirts were usually tucked in and boys were not allowed to have long hair. Really tight pants for guys became really popular in the 60's. Loafers became popular and so did short, short, skirts.

What to see and do

Walt Disney died of cancer on December 15, 1966.
The first heart transplant was performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard.
Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis Tenessee, Robert Kennedy was assassinated too, both were civil rights leaders.
Shirley Chisholm was elected America's first black women to congress.
Over half a million people headed over to a 600 acre farm in New York for the Woodstock Festival that lasted for three days.
July 20, 1969, 4:18p.m., one of the biggest events in history happened Apollo 11 landed on the moon.